Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Urgent, urgent
Time is running, freak! Do I want to change major or not? Arghh..this is really depressing. I told Josh I am majoring in CS when actually I want to do Stats with specialization in CS but I am one stupid lazy ass to do anything about it. Plus, I don't remember how to write 'surat rasmi', esp. when I hafta write it in BM!! Why larr I left my draft at home in Malaysia. My mom seems to go against my intention and ask me to change university instead by I dunno...I really cannot see myself doing programming that much. My brain just don't work as professional programmers' brains work. Too much data to be processed, more than what my brain can compile. Plus, I haven't have the chance to see my CS advisor. Then, this question of whether JPA will approve my request bothers me. Error! Error! Request denied! Duh...people people, help me please. Who wanna write me a letter draft? Oh by the way, this isn't personal since almost everyone in Madison thought I already changed to Math major...hahaha, I wonder where they get that absurd idea. I like Math, no offense, but I am really against the idea of being a manic-depressive like Russell Crowe in Beautiful Life...hehe.

P/S: I really shoulda learn Chem Eng in the first place. Why oh why, I let one implausible reason deterred my initial ambition....
posted by efarina @ 11:10 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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