Friday, December 12, 2003
Distortion of mind, and words
Remember those days when you feel like swearing all the time? Today is that day for me. I didn't get the job at the library but I tried to comfort myself by saying it's not my fault. And I definitely don't blame God either. However, I DO NOT lack competency. I have working experience before. Dirck said the roster is already full, yeah so I say that's other people's fault for filling up my chance. It's too late to apply for another job now. I felt a huge disappointment though coz I thought I can make money during the winter break and maybe travel up to New York for new year celebration. Wrong, wrong, wrong. I have no idea where else to get money. Account is below 100 bucks and I still have to pay for next month's rental and bills. For heaven's sake, I really don't know how I'm gonna pay all those. No job means more free times. Means boredom coz there's nuthing much interesting stuffs to do during winter. Travel or going for a ski trip is definitely out of league since I have no money. I'll go crazy coz all left to do is watch TV and play guitar. So, f**k, bull***t, damn, b**tt*,p***m**. Whatever.
posted by efarina @ 1:02 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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