Tuesday, December 02, 2003
I watched this movie- Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, along with The Recruit and 2002(HK) last Saturday nite with my housemates and I couldn't stop wishing for once, I was back in high school with my darling 16FCs. How close we were back then, just as close as these friends in the movie. And to have a crush on somebody again....and to fight with someone again over silly things...and to rush to class when the bell rings... This poem below reflects me feelings best these days.

Kulari ke hutan kemudian teriakku
Kulari ke pantai kemudian menyanyiku
Sepi..sepi..dan sendiri aku benci
Aku mau bingar..aku mau di pasar
Bosan aku dengan penat
Dan enyah saja kau pekat
Seperti berjelaga jiwa kusendiri...
..Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Aih...ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba laba belang di tembok
Keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja locengnya..
Biar terdera
Atau aku harus lari ke pantai
Belok ku hutan...

-Puisi Rangga: Ada Apa dengan Cinta-

I love this movie, and I shall watch it over and over again.
posted by efarina @ 11:20 AM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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