Wednesday, January 14, 2004 |
Dominato Per Marlum |
Two nights ago, I dreamt about how happy we are together. And I also dreamt about the death of someone close to me. It's scary. I don't like when my mind is toying with my emotions in my sleep. We are not together. And most of all, no one's gonna die.
Last night, I slept late for I worry these dark dreams will come again. Fortunately, it didn't. But I woke up early in the morning coughing like I never before. It got to my nerves bcoz the cough wouldn't stop for an hour or so. I don't know where it comes from. Can't be the weather coz I barely go out of the house. Second hand smoker? I don't think so either but I watched this movie 'From Ashes to Ashes' about how a child died of cancer because his parents are heavy smokers. That give me jitters.
I just finished watching Tears of the Sun. Urghh...I cannot stand those revolutioners for having an animal heart. How can one be so evil, cutting off a mother's breast so she can't feed her baby, then rape her and then killed all those innocent people especially the kids, brutally. And that my friends, is only in the movie. I can't bear to imagine this scenario actually happens in our real world. It is just unbearably evil.
posted by efarina @ 5:39 PM |