Monday, January 12, 2004 |
Issue That Matters |
Mereka menjelaskan bahawa walaupun memakai hijab adalah wajib bagi wanita Islam tetapi memaksa seseorang memakainya adalah salah.
Seorang penulis Islam, Fahmi Huwaidi dalam laporan itu berkata: ``Mewajibkan hijab dengan undang-undang adalah salah. Samalah juga kesalahannya melarang pemakaian hijab dengan undang-undang.''
Ulama Universiti Al-Azhar, Sheikh Jamal Qutub berkata apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan PAS di Terengganu dengan memaksa wanita Islam memakai tudung itu merupakan sesuatu jenayah terhadap hak asasi manusia.
``Ia tidak kurang dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh Presiden Perancis Jacque Shirac melarang wanita Islam memakai tudung. Kedua-duanya mempunyai persamaan iaitu mencampuri urusan hak kemanusiaan,'' katanya.
More information on this news can be found at Utusan Malaysia. I couldn't agree more with this article. I am not saying this because I am not wearing a hijab. Hopefully with God bless one day I will. But forcing one to wear or not to wear hijab is completely a wrong thing to do. Who are you to force someone what to do or what not to do especially in a matter like this? When I read the news about France banning women to wear hijab, I went outrageous. I felt the same when I heard PAS forcing people to wear hijab. Is that what we call 'berdakwah secara hikmah'? I DON'T THINK SO! I still remember attending a youth muslim workshop during summer break, and the speaker from Egypt whom we called Sister Marwah telling us that what you do must come from your heart. And God will always be happy for you if you try and do your best to please Him. Every changes has its stages. In fact, she was quite surprised when we told her some families force their daughters to wear scarf. After all, honesty is always the best policy, ain't it?
posted by efarina @ 5:32 PM |