Tuesday, February 10, 2004
What Would You Do
It has been about a week since I last posted a journal. This is probably because I have a lot of assignments due. Hmm...no, actually not but I have ONE assignment that requires a strenous amount of time. Imagine this. You spent the whole weekend doing a program that has a total output of three lines. Then just yesterday you figured out from your partner what you and she did was inefficient and you were asked to write and entirely new coding. AND the assignment is due tomorrow. Aren't you in a deep f**king trouble? Well, believe it or not, that's my life. To add the unfortunate, my program still can't run properly. And I have just done one part of it! Aku tak tau la ape pasal die bagi area merapu-rapu!!! I am seriously giving up already. I have three more homeworks due by Thursday which I haven't started on because of this stupid programming assignment. Bangang nak mampos! And disebabkan tahap bengang/upset melampau, I usually do 3 impulsive things:
(1) Go driving aimlessly around town
(2) Shopping macam orang gila
(3) Cut my hair

Since at this time around, the only affordable option is Option 3, I have cut my hair short and ugly. Muahaha, I now officially look uglier than the most horrendous person in the world. Thank you to my programming assignment, you have certainly make me day. Damn......
posted by efarina @ 5:56 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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