Monday, March 15, 2004
The Passion
I went to watch The Passion of Christ today. The movie is very emotional and I admit, I cried a little during the scene where Jesus (or should I say Prophet Isa) was being tortured unmercifully. He was let bleed and his flesh was ripped. In fact, I was at the verge of leaving the theater because I just couldn't bare to see the madness. It was pure evil and heartless. During the scene where he was crucified, again, I just closed my eyes because I couldn't bare to see such act.
Yet, in a way I do feel a bit dissappointed because I expect something more of the story. And my heart is at unrest too because I know that is not what exactly happened to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) according to the Quran. He was not crucified but rather an enemy who God made his face looked like him was. But seing unjustice in the movie, I suddenly become to love my religion even more because I realized how hard it was for all the prophets to spread the words of Gods at that moment when I cried.
Mel Gibson is harsh...or I don't know, maybe that's how the story goes in the Bible. But if there is a second chance, I don't think I want to watch that movie again.

"Apabila Allah berkata, 'Wahai Isa, Aku akan mematikan kamu, dan menaikkan kamu kepada-Ku, dan Aku membersihkan kamu daripada orang-orang yang tidak percaya .....'" (3:55)

"ucapan mereka, 'Kami telah membunuh al-Masih, Isa putera Mariam, rasul Allah.' Tetapi mereka tidak membunuhnya, dan tidak juga menyalibnya, tetapi hanya satu kesamaan yang ditunjukkan kepada mereka. Orang-orang yang berselisih mengenainya benar-benar dalam keraguan terhadapnya; mereka tidak ada pengetahuan mengenainya, kecuali mengikuti sangkaan; mereka tidak membunuhnya, yakinlah." (4:157)

posted by efarina @ 1:31 AM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
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