Wednesday, July 28, 2004 |
Dear Father,
I talk less to you than I do with Mother. But I don't know why I have this strong attachment of feeling towards you. You didn't shed a single tear when you send me off to study abroad. I cried when I see Mother crying. I cried again everytime I read Mother emails and her Raya card she sent me. But I don't know why, it is you the one I remember more.
I remember you forcing me to read the English newspaper out loud in front of you every night when I was in kindergarten. You bought English books and novels for me without me asking you to. You bought video tapes, CDs and movies of my favorite out of my surprise. And you still make that surprise by sending me pocket money when I never ask you to.
I remember watching Armageddon. How tears came flooding out of my eyes during those two scenes when the father had to leave the daughter. And I will cry again - no matter whether the show is funny, happy or sad - when a father died or when a father has to say goodbye to his child(ren). Yet, I never shed a tear if it is the mother who is leaving. I don't know why.
When I sit here listening to the songs I play, I remember you; because you are the reason why I am listening to these rock songs. When I was at the restaurant, I wish you were there for I can order anything I want and you'll pay. When I was at the soccer game, I wish you were there too because you know the game more than me. When I see Harrison Ford, I remember you because your eyes are just like him.
You are not like other fathers who ask with whom I am going out with and where am I going. You never fuss when I used your car 80% of the time. You never ask for my exam results. You never question about my personal life. We talk on the phone for only 10 minutes. At home, we never talk unless we need to. I envy friends who can joke and talk about anything to their dads. But still, you are the one I miss most.
My father. My idol in silence. Shhh... he never know, but I am who he is. Like father, like daughter.
posted by efarina @ 11:50 PM |