Thursday, October 14, 2004 |
A joke made in class today by my Stats prof. tickles me. It may not be funny to you but it is to me and the rest of the class. He was writing down the formula to estimate variance of population mean for two-stage sampling and part of the formula is summation from i=1 to m of a something in a parentheses and that something in a parentheses contain another summation of i=1 to m of another thing. But this one guy interrupted and asked, "Wasn't that summation in the parentheses supposed to be from j=1 or another variable instead of i because we already have that one for the overall summation?" when obviously it doesn't really matter as long as we are summing the right thing. And the prof. answered, "Well, it doesn't really matter anyway coz we are summing this and this but whatever.." and changed that i to k. Then he added somewhat sarcastically and jokingly, "You CS people".
Hahaha...hands up, no denial in that! I studied CS and I know all this shit about having to have different variables for everything. But that dude have gotta chill. Nobody cares whether it's i, or j or k or z. Somebody, please add this on your list of CS jokes.
Ok larr, tak baik gelakkan orang. Now, here is a question. I have a Muse concert ticket. The concert will be on Hari Raya eve, where there'll be a gathering for takbir raya. Should I go to the concert or burn the tix and go to takbir raya? I so so feel guilty lorr for choosing something not so good over something very very good in this bulan yang mulia.
posted by efarina @ 1:39 PM |