Saturday, January 15, 2005
In conjunction with new year 2005. This may be a tad too late but heck, I am bored anyway. So may as well kill my time with this questionnaire *taken & edited from an anonymous blog I stumble open when googling*.

Most Memorable Concert: Linkin Park Meteora Tour. I promised myself before I flew to the States that before I return, I will and must attend a LP concert. Mission accomplished and I am one happy girl. Shinoda and Chester rocks!
Most Memorable Movie: Have to be The Passion. Never seen such cruelty on screen the movie made me cry and close my eyes and got me thinking for a few days.
Most Memorable Song: If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys.
Most Memorable Holiday: I don't go on holiday that much, so I must say my summer trip to Tokyo, Japan. It is an eye opener to see different people, different culture, different fashion and great places. Definitely wanna go there again.
Most Memorable Road Trip: Road trip to Yellowstone National Park. Crossing state borders is like entering a new country: long, unseemingly unending road, farms, lakes, forest, great wonder of nature, cowboy town. It was amazing the experience is almost undescribable.
Most Memorable Shopping Spree: Black Friday Sale on Thanksgiving. I didn't buy that much but somehow it was a fun experience to stay up all night, went to Denny's, lining up outside Bestbuy at 5.30am in the cold winter, rushing as fast as I can to get the item I want and lining up for more than an hour just to pay. Plus, the all-girls trip to Kenosha Outlet after that was fun, fun, fun!
Most Memorable Purchase: Philips DVP642 DVD Player and my Canon Ixy Digital (Japan edition). I love electronic stuffs!
Most Memorable Breakthrough: Freeing myself from my past. It took me more than 3 years and I am finally able to do it.
Most Memorable Sweet Memories: This may come out funny but it is the nights I spent to learn how to play pool with my friends. I am still no good at it but at least now the ball doesn't go off the table. :p
Most Memorable Date: None
Most Memorable Heartache: Him and her. Not worth mentioning. It's over and it's done.
New Friends/Pals: Like new good friends? None. The new people I met are just mates, nothing more special than that.
New Interest: Meterosexual men! Okay, seriously, watching ice hockey. Go Badgers!
New Hobby: Decorating my apartment
New Love: Kimura Takuya. Hahaha...actually, not laughing.
posted by efarina @ 11:48 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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