Friday, August 26, 2005 |
Oh! Nicholas Saputra with his new clean cut short hair, so very handsome. Looking extremely hot in that sleek brown suit on the red carpet. And Dian also is very very pretty.
But that's not the main point here. Yang utamanya ialah... here are the photos from my trip to Penang. Not so many as I don't really have time for it. Food was heaven there, mee udang, nasi kandar and of course char kuey teow. Went shopping too and got myself two new handbags(a fake Christian Dior and an original MNG, one Muse Stockholm Syndrome t-shirt, one top, one skirt and 6 pirated DVDs. Best best.

And this one below is photos from Hawa's wedding. I'm so happy to meet my old friends but so sad that I can no longer grab Hawa at anytime I want and have girls-day-out with her. It is still unbelievable for me that she's already married. She looked so beautiful that day. And so does all my stunning friends who attended the ceremony. I love you all to bits. And I wish to my newlywed friend all the best and a blissful marriage.
posted by efarina @ 10:32 AM |