Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Ahh...finally, my return to this unattended blog for a little more than a week. I'm telling you people, my Statistics exam today is CHOOO SIAAUUU leyy. How am I supposed to answer all that questions in 50 minutes. Understanding one question itself took me about 5 minutes, and they were like.. 3 big questions with some sub-questions. Crazy exam! This is the first time I feel totally hopeless in statistics. And I have an oral interview to go through in an hour or so. Blurgh...I am in no such mood rite now. Or maybe I was just born stupid after all. This theory might hold true, given the evidence that my sisters and brother never really supremely excel in their studies unless they put extra effort in studying. So, maybe I was just double-whopper hardworking during school time that I was able to pass PMR & SPM with flying colors and to land my feet on a foreign university. Now that I have totally lost interest in studying, I see that I am no different from my siblings. We are simply the product of 'moderate-in-academic' genes after all. Each of us has a par of how much can we comprehend a subject, and I am feeling that I've reached that par. The only reason I am still here in US is because I have no other choice but to graduate. If I were able to quit college at this moment, I swear I would. What's the point of continuing anyway when I rarely study at all these days? All I did was finish homeworks if I know how to solve them and read the textbook a day before the exam. I even spend more hours on cooking than studying.

I want to go do whatever I enjoy doing and live happily with my family and friends. I'm tired of acting like 'oh-I-am-sooo-the-smart' sister and daughter. I want to work at a travel agency, be a tour guide or a travel commentator perhaps (like Bridget Jones) so that I can see the world. I want to open up a bowling-cum-karaoke center so I can entertain people and be entertained at the same time. I want to work in the entertainment industry so I can meet all the famous people. Anything, as long as it makes me happier. This 'thing', what other people called being a bright student, is not the occupation I am happy with.
posted by efarina @ 1:21 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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