Thursday, November 10, 2005
Call me a silly girl. Call me childish. I don't care. Today has got to be the happiest day in my life this semester. I have been having this hopeless crush on a guy who sits in front of me in Business Stats class ever since the beginning of the semester. But up until today, being the gutless girl I am when it comes to a guy that I like, the only thing I can do is watch his back whenever the lecture gets boring(or when it is interesting :p). I don't even know his name. Well, not until today when I finally managed to peeked at his namecard. And today, we finally communicated. Even though it was just asking questions about our in-class assignment, something is still better than nothing. And the fact that he keeps turning back to ask questions. Haven't felt this excited for years....hahaha.

OK, on movie review. Watched Hana & Alice last weekend. I love it. It was beautifully made and directed. Gotta love the sakura trees and the ballet. The base story is simple: Hana lies to a boy she likes about having amnesia so she can fool him as her boyfriend, and Alice being her closest friend, tries her best to keep the secret and acts as the ex-girlfriend. But the message of the story is beyond that. The two main leads are so great that I actually feel pity with Hana by the end of the movie when she confesses the truth to the boy. And I also feel sorry for Alice for having to live separately with the father she loves. Japanese directors are really great when it comes to a movie on relationship of two girlfriends. Can't wait to get my hand on Nana. And oh people, watch Southpark. It helps reduce headache.
posted by efarina @ 4:23 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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