Wednesday, December 07, 2005 |
 I Jukil Nomui Sarang. Or Ijuksa for short. A Love to Kill in English. This show is SOOO good. It started off confusing but the pace quickens after a few episodes. Yesterday, I watched Episode 11 and I feel like crying for the whole one hour. I did become teary eyed for a while. I guess the music did it. Korean ballad can be so emotional, I guess they're the best foreign music to listen to after American and Brit music.
Everything was just so sad on yesterday's episode, especially seeing the two main characters suffering like that. For those who are totally blank, Ijuksa is a story about love and revenge. A man who was forced to leave her girlfriend after she became a celebrity, fell off his rooftop after hearing an announcement of her girl getting engaged to a powerful guy in the business industry. Now in a vegetable state, his brother seek revenge on this girl by working as a bodyguard. Fooling the girl to fall in love with him and soon left her heartbroken, only did he realize then he indeed has fallen in love with her and that his brother's condition is not at all her fault. This is not the usual mushy-mushy crybaby Korean love story usually seen on TV, and I am glad I am taking a liking on it. Perhaps one of the best Asian dramas I have watched out there.
Can't wait to watch Episode 12 tonight. Hopefully something good or happy will happen in this one. ...And wish me luck for my Japanese speech this Friday. |
posted by efarina @ 4:36 PM |