Saturday, December 10, 2005 |
Iro irona tokoro ikitai desu. There're a lot of places in this world that I wanted to go to. But these destinations below are in my top 5 list right now:
 Greece. Ever since I watched Helen of Troy, I've been interested in knowing more of the life of ancient Greek. And when I took my Greek class last two semesters, there's no doubt that this is the first place in the world that I wanna go.
 Turkey. Been wanting to go here since I was little after I browsed through my auntie's photos collection. And friends who've been there certainly agreed that it's a beautiful country.
 Hawaii babe. Who doesn't wanna go there? Gorgeous Maui Island is to die for! Aloha~~
 Italy. To look for gorgeous Italian men. Hahaha..ok, that was a lie. But the canals are so enchanting it is irresistable. Seen so much of it on TV, learn so much of it in history class, the next best thing to do is to actually visit the place!
 Taiwan is definitely off the radar compared to the four countries above, isn't it? But what's the point of transitting at Taipei Airport everytime I travel back and forth from US-Malaysia without actually visiting the country? I hear the place is pretty and the shopping is sure cheap. The guys must be hot too. So why not go and have some fun?
Now, if only I have money to visit these 5 places. But ganbarimasu yo. I'll make sure I visit all of them someday. The only place I am certain I am going to visit right now is Phuket on next year September. Yups, me mom already bought the ticket for it. Now I have about 8 months time to convince my mom to detour to the city of Bangkok while we were there. Whee... I love Asian. |
posted by efarina @ 8:04 PM |