Tuesday, February 28, 2006 |
People call me with so many different names. Efarina, Efa, Rina, Ina, Frack..these are the common ones. Some other even call me according to their convenience, such as Effy, Ef, Efarin and one moron even playfully refer me as Ef**k(whaddahell?!) once. Besides the last one, I gotta say I actually least prefer the name Efa. It has never occured across my mind to even use this nickname in but somehow when I entered Standard 1, my class teacher called me with that name and ever since then until now, all of my friends called me that. I have tried to change this nickname in high school but don't know why my friends simply made up their mind to call me Efa because they say it sounded hipper. But tataula why... that nickname is kinda bleeuurrgghh. Bunyi macam my name has been truncated badly and not in any way do I think it sounds hipper. I prefer Efarina, my full name, because to me it sounds better than just Efa. I even prefer to be called Frack than just Efa. But since all my friends call me that, I can do nothinglah but just go with the flow.
The nickname that I love most is Rina or Ina, which is what my family members call me. They usually go back and forth between Rina and Ina, to which I am totally clueless why. When talking to me, they will use Ina, but when referring me to somebody else or when writing email to me, they'll use Rina. Contohnye, "Ina, pegi masak nasi" and "Suruh Rina masak nasi". Chotto hen deshou? Pelik,kan? But the reason I like this nickname is because it sounded more affectionate and womanly. When people call me with this name, I somehow feel closer to that person. Even if that person is my mom's colleague. So perhaps in the future, I can get rid of this Efa nickname.

 Model Ji Hoon a.ka. Prince Shin Goon. Love tall, hot men with glasses. Spreading the Goong love. Minna, join the camp! Learn the rich culture of a royal family. |
posted by efarina @ 10:18 PM |