Wednesday, March 22, 2006 |

Don't look at my ugly feet. Look at my new-bought skimmer at Century 21. Cute tak? Hahaha...trying to advertise my most favorite shoe at the moment. Love it, love it, love it. Can't wait till it get a lil bit warmer before I can wear them. I've also ordered my custom mandarin colored iPod silicone cover with Japanese scribbles for the screen so hopefully it'll arrive soon.
Less than 2 months to graduation. Yikes..I am getting anxious! As much as I am happy not to be doing any studying anymore, I just couldn't imagine myself not having a student life. Have been a student since I was 6 years old! Not helping to ease my anxiousness when I received an email from my university to attend Countdown to Commencement and just today another email from my mom fowarding me info about 30 top companies in Malaysia. Haih...mahukah mereka mengambil saya bekerja? But I'm glad she sent the email to me. I am hoping for my mom to look a job for me instead of me looking for one. The same case for me hoping for my mom to look for a husband candidate for me instead of me who will never be able to find one. I am all in for an omiai kekkon...yeah, right. |
posted by efarina @ 11:43 PM |