Friday, March 31, 2006
Every year when April comes, so does my mucus. That's the only thing I hate about the come of Spring. In addition to "leaking" nose, I have terrible headaches every morning after I wake up. This is due to the fact that my glasses power has increased; I couldn't see clearly anymore when I close my right eye even when wearing glasses. Yeah, I have lazy left eye symptom. But there's nothing I can do before I return home because getting a new pair of eyeglass in the US is way too expensive. No money too. Haih..the headache & selsema is killing me. Because of that, I have no mood to write/blog until I feel better again. Jaa, mata ne.
posted by efarina @ 11:46 AM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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