Sunday, March 05, 2006 |
I called home today and my dad told me he's going to Bangkok with my brother this Monday for a week. It's "the men" outing to the pleasure city Bangkok. Nie yang aku nak mengamok dalam Bahasa Melayu nie! Dulu, when I bising-bising wanting to go to Bangkok, no one listen to me and gimme so many excuses but now?! What's not to love there. I want to see everything of Bangkok, the floating market, the temples, the Grand Palace, the people, the culture. But unfortunately, the men at my home decided to go together, leaving the women who have to go to work and school and me who's stuck in US. Tertekan, beb. In addition to that depressing news, my mom told me our Honda Civic which I love to drive so much have been stolen!!! Double jaw drop. Stupid thief. Do you know how many sweet and bad things have happened in/to the car while I was it? That was the first car that I drove after I got my licensed, and that was the car that I drove on a night when my friends and I "nearly" kena pergi balai polis. about unfortunate event.
Alrite, time to let out the stress.
Another picture of Ji Hoon. The kind of man that I might just fall for on first look in real life. And I indeed am falling right now, if only he's a UW student :p. I have such weaknesses for tall men who looks hot in glasses. Come to think of it, all the men I have crushes on in real life are tall and wear glasses. Except for Tim Fung. But I bet he'll look just fine in glasses. Kenape yer? I bet it is the father/mother-influence theory again. I read some time ago in Reader's Digest that when one choose his/her partner in life, he/she will tend to like someone who has at least some similiraties to their parents. So men naturally will like someone who has certain qualities as their mother and the same applied to women too. A theory that I find hard to refute. For instance, how I don't like men who wear ties all the time and my fathers hate wearing tie too. My father knows many things about the entertainment industry(I guess he learned all that during his office gossip session) and how I am attracted to men who has talents in entertainment field. What do you think? The same thing apply to you?
Arghh...tomorrow gotta wake up early for work again! Bummer. Can't wait for next work Spring Break. New York, New York! |
posted by efarina @ 1:07 AM |