Sunday, March 26, 2006 |
I watched an Indonesian ghost story, "Di Sini Ada Setan", with my girlmates last Friday. It has plenty of scary moments especially during the last 30-45 mins of the movie. But ape yang tak bestnye is that the ghost has the same name with me! Though spelled Eva, the right way Indonesians pronounce it is Efa. Imagine how weird I felt. This is my first time encountering a character on a movie having the same name as me. Nama hantu plak tuh! Yikes.
So many things happened this weekend, so there'll be lotsa pictures in this entry. First off, let's start with the most important event: the wedding of Ali & his pretty bride Sarah.
 How much cuter can they be?! I wish them a happy marriage life. The wedding was actually yesterday but the cake eating ceremony took place today at Kak Ani's housewarming party. Next...
 Intercultural Night 2006 held on Thursday night. Whalla...this year we have a male bellydancer! From left above: Thai traditional dance, UW breakdancing, Korean drum team (which was superb), Cuban salsa dance, bellydance(very entertaining) and African dance. Too bad I miss the Indian dance.
Finally, random pictures of Kak Ani's open house and Intercultural Food Fair. Malaysia opened a booth this year, hence the traditional clothing and the takraw demo.

Click on the pictures for an enlarge version. |
posted by efarina @ 8:22 PM |