Thursday, March 09, 2006 |
 There is a beautiful black Beetle parked in front of Regent. Plus that with my love for Goong in which the vehicles are sponsored by VW, I'm totally obssessed on wanting my own VW car. Not that I can afford it... but anyway nothing is wrong with wanting something. Sheesh, I want one of each!! From top left clockwise: VW Jetta, VW Golf GTI, the famous VW Beetle and VW Passat. Aren't they beautiful?
Two more days to New York. I hope my check arrives by Saturday morning. If not, yikes, no money at all to spend in New York. Yesterday, I went to pick up my 4 free movie tickets for Wisconsin Film Festival. I choose to watch Sympathy for Lady Vengeance & The President's Last Bang(Korea), The King(USA, actor Gael Garcia Bernal!) and In the Battlefield(Lebanon). Hope of all to be excellent and enjoyable movies. I also went to the library and borrowed two books: Giants of Japan and What Life Was Like Among Samurais and Shoguns. This is part of my own effort and interest in history and East Asian Studies. I can no longer take classes about them so I guess I'd better read on my own. I plan to start with Japan, then move on to Korea and Great China. Perhaps after that I can start learning the history and culture of South East Asia. Now, if only I have more time to read... |
posted by efarina @ 4:12 PM |