Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I am entering my 3rd week of my 5th week Japanese 3rd semester intensive course. I'm studying more for this class everyday than I have ever did for an entire semester. I love the class though; I have a pretty sensei with a jovial personality to keep me awake during the 4-long-hours of class. But what annoys me is this one guy with his big curly hair who sit in front of me. For the love of God, I sometimes feel like strangling him for being so stupid... or maybe he's just faking it, I don't know. Simple questions like "Shuumatsu nani o shimashitaka" took him 5 long minutes to answer. I mean hello....??? We're already 2nd year students, so can you just answer that easy question already. It doesn't help that he keeps doing that for every question asked and when he stumbles, he like to go "blurgh". And him doing stupid intonations & actions in class during kaiwa. If ikut cakap orang Melayu, tersangatlah poyonye. I thought I was the only one who hates him but I just discovered two days ago while talking with my classmate that everyone else in class hate his guts as much as I do. I haven't bitch or hate a classmate since such a long time, so it felt good than everyone shared the same annoyance as I do. Today somebody in class practically snorted when he tried to answer a question while another student tried to imitate his dumbness. I mean...I don't mind people not knowing how to answer questions but this guy seem to be so poyo and fake. He even raised hands often to answer during Q&A session but then he just go "Er...." and go deep into thinking. It seems that he can even pronounce many words correctly when answering. How did this guy even passed the oral interview exam?! I think even the senseis don't like him that much. There are times when my patience go wary(like today) that I just wanted to shout "Baka!" at him. I wonder if he got a C for last semester Japanese. C'mon man, get over it already or why don't you join the kindergarten kids and learn how to speak properly first.
posted by efarina @ 10:33 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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