Friday, July 14, 2006
I have a Zidane shoe! Ahakz, okay that's a lie. First, the brand is not Adidas but Puma. Secondly, it is not a soccer shoe but a casual shoe. But, the shoe color is almost the same as Zidane's- yellowish gold- so I stay to say that I have a Zidane shoe.

Another interesting thing is that when I went to eat lunch at Mediterranean Cafe today, there's an entree called Zidane's Couscous(I hope I spell it right). I think mostly everyone in the world is so overwhelmed by this one man to even have a food name after him. Salute to Zidane, whose footballing talent, I can say is the greatest of this era. He needed to only take two steps before striking a penalty kick. Who else in the world can do that? I suggest that he should do his own soccer shoe line.

And now I bring to you the ever famous headbutting - interactive game where you can try to headbutt Materazzi yourself. Left-click to headbutt. Source:

posted by efarina @ 4:52 PM  
About Me

April 26, 1983
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Statistics, Class of 2006
Likes: Heavy rain, dramas, learning Japanese
Dislikes: Cheese, mosquitoes, drunken men

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