Thursday, September 22, 2005 |

The look of my new room. I am loving every bits of it. The bed, the comforter, the sofa, the dangling shells, the posters on the wall and even the study desk. Even better, now I have the TV in my own room! I love my room so much that I just wanna sit in it every hour of the day. My living room is cute too (since I pretty much do most of the decorations) but it lacks entertainment source, so nahh. Now, the only thing lacking is a karoake set. Gonna get that soon, hopefully, if I have enuff money.
Alrite, off to go watch The OC Season 3 Episode 3. I love Summer Roberts! |
posted by efarina @ 6:46 PM |
Saturday, September 17, 2005 |
Aku tak bisa luluhkan hatimu Dan aku tak bisa menyentuh cintamu Seiring jejak kakiku bergetar Aku tak terpagut oleh cintamu Menelusup hariku dengan harapan Namun kau masih terdiam membisu
Sepenuhnya aku ingin memelukmu Mendekap penuh harapan tuk mencintaimu Setulusnya aku akan terus menunggu Menanti sebuah jawaban tuk memilikimu
Betapa pilunya rindu menusuk jiwaku Semoga kau tau isi hatiku Dan seiring waktu yg terus berputar Aku masih terhanyut dalam mimpiku
The reason why I like Fadly so much is that he sings with soul. You'll know when you listen to this song. It'll reach to the deepest end of your heart. |
posted by efarina @ 1:12 PM |
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 |
Am I being too lazy this semester? I don't know but I just refuse to study. I really hate studying anyway. Why can't I just be a pop icon? That way I can meet all those stars I've always admired. :p. Also, I can't wait for my posters to arrive. I ordered an Emily and a Ying Yang poster. Soon, the walls in my apartment will be fully decorated with cool stuffs, yay! The only thing I am lacking now is a shag rug.
Owh ya, I got stung by a bee last Sunday at my left thumb. A few hours later, my palm has swollen to the size of XL. Luckily, I have no allergies whatsoever. But the sting was really really painful. "Cilakak punyer bee". And talking about pain, having an ex-boyfriend cum now-your-good-friend can be a real pain in the ass, isn't it? I am hating the situation (which I won't explain here) we are having right now. Have you ever heard of the saying 'The more you give, the more pain you'll get. Some things just can't be forced'. For that reason, I am taking the "go to hell, it's up to you" defense. I will no longer bother about the other party. Enough of me giving all these years. I am through of being a true Taurean. This time around, I willl be more like a type-B person. |
posted by efarina @ 9:33 PM |
Monday, September 05, 2005 |

I sooo love this picture(taken from Pial's blog). It was the night of Mummy's birthday and we were having fun eating, cutting cakes and 'karaoke'ing! From left: Daus, Apit, Me, Pial, Mummy, Hawa and Arina.
About my flight back to Madison, I don't wanna talk much about it since I am still tired of long hours of travelling and unpacking. All I can say is how much I wish Doreamon is a real robot cat. Then I can just ask him to take out his Magic Door out of his pocket, open the Magic Door and tadaa... there I am at the doorstep at my new roon apartment. I would be really really glad if someone really CAN invent that! I may be skipping class tomorrow since I am dead tired. Have a quiz on Wednesday but couldn't care less about it right now. All I wanna do rite now... is just lay on the bad and watch summore videos! |
posted by efarina @ 11:54 PM |