Friday, January 28, 2005 |
Whee.. I just got this very cute, cantik skirt from Express. They're having 'Final Days Sale', so I paid a $140 price for just ~$10!! Now gotta go look for a matching, very cheap but nice top and shoe for it. I am so happy :D.
But at the same time I feel a bit sad and dissappointed too. It seems like I have to cancel my Eurotrip this summer. Again. I've anticipated this for one and the half year but this person now cannot make it on the intended date and that person's budget might not be enough after all. Not that I am blaming them anyway. Everybody has their own problems and strains, and I have mine too. I just wish that I have somebody to go to Europe with this summer. Having to postpone the plan again to I don't know when but perhaps not winter break 'coz there's a definite probability that I'll be flying to Japan again, is just a bit sad right now. Maybe I should just go home in May instead of June. Or maybe I should take 4-week summer class. Ahh... what boring options! Or is there someone out there who wanna go jalan-jalan with me? |
posted by efarina @ 1:24 AM |
Saturday, January 22, 2005 |
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslims. I bet my parents in Malaysia are ravishing on sup tulang/daging from the daging korban while their daughter here have to go through a weekend of snowstorm. Classes are going... I don't really know yet since it is just the first week but looks like there're gonna be a lot of work ahead, which I hate so much since I am so lazy. Currently, I am trying to get my hands on Versus and Azumi DVDs, both directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, a director I respect a lot for bringing gory and swordplay back into the modern cinema. It's even better than Kill Bill, trust me. I've watched Versus and it kicked ass.
Owh, my pasta's ready. Gotta go eat lunch first. Later, aight. |
posted by efarina @ 1:42 PM |
Saturday, January 15, 2005 |
In conjunction with new year 2005. This may be a tad too late but heck, I am bored anyway. So may as well kill my time with this questionnaire *taken & edited from an anonymous blog I stumble open when googling*.
Most Memorable Concert: Linkin Park Meteora Tour. I promised myself before I flew to the States that before I return, I will and must attend a LP concert. Mission accomplished and I am one happy girl. Shinoda and Chester rocks!
Most Memorable Movie: Have to be The Passion. Never seen such cruelty on screen the movie made me cry and close my eyes and got me thinking for a few days.
Most Memorable Song: If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys.
Most Memorable Holiday: I don't go on holiday that much, so I must say my summer trip to Tokyo, Japan. It is an eye opener to see different people, different culture, different fashion and great places. Definitely wanna go there again.
Most Memorable Road Trip: Road trip to Yellowstone National Park. Crossing state borders is like entering a new country: long, unseemingly unending road, farms, lakes, forest, great wonder of nature, cowboy town. It was amazing the experience is almost undescribable.
Most Memorable Shopping Spree: Black Friday Sale on Thanksgiving. I didn't buy that much but somehow it was a fun experience to stay up all night, went to Denny's, lining up outside Bestbuy at 5.30am in the cold winter, rushing as fast as I can to get the item I want and lining up for more than an hour just to pay. Plus, the all-girls trip to Kenosha Outlet after that was fun, fun, fun!
Most Memorable Purchase: Philips DVP642 DVD Player and my Canon Ixy Digital (Japan edition). I love electronic stuffs!
Most Memorable Breakthrough: Freeing myself from my past. It took me more than 3 years and I am finally able to do it.
Most Memorable Sweet Memories: This may come out funny but it is the nights I spent to learn how to play pool with my friends. I am still no good at it but at least now the ball doesn't go off the table. :p
Most Memorable Date: None
Most Memorable Heartache: Him and her. Not worth mentioning. It's over and it's done.
New Friends/Pals: Like new good friends? None. The new people I met are just mates, nothing more special than that.
New Interest: Meterosexual men! Okay, seriously, watching ice hockey. Go Badgers!
New Hobby: Decorating my apartment
New Love: Kimura Takuya. Hahaha...actually, not laughing. |
posted by efarina @ 11:48 PM |
Thursday, January 13, 2005 |
It's a little bit embarassing but I am going to admit it anyway. I cried watching the OC today. It is unusual of me to cry over a TV show but this is the second time after an episode of Boston Public which was 3 years ago. What Sandy Cohen did at the end of the episode is simply the sweetest. He is great, both as a husband and a father. In fact, he's one of the best characters on TV I've ever seen. What gives me more comfort is that there IS a Sandy Cohen out there in the real world. That is what I like about the OC: the story itself is realistic and tangible, dealing with problems on every age level, with a beautiful setting, providing viewers like me the bittersweet taste of life.
I am not going to give away the episode spoilers, but to all fans of the OC who miss today's episode (2 episodes after Chrismukkah), do watch it! Don't eat, don't talk, don't do anything. Just sit in front of the TV and give your full attention for an hour. Then you will understand what I am talking about. Become the OC, become the Obsessed Completely. Welcome to Newport Beach, Orange County everyone. |
posted by efarina @ 8:53 PM |
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 |
School is starting in a week. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I have 6 heavy classes lining up for Spring semester. I hate school so much right now I wish I were on a Carribean cruise or island hopping in Greece. I've summed up the price total of books I have to spend: ~$300(the price of used books!). Plus, I am still sleeping at wee hours.I'm wide awake at night and only go to sleep somewhere around 7am... wonder where I get this 'jetlag' since the last time I hop on a plane was in August 2004.
And oh, no point of mentioning this but whatever. I think Smile by Elvis Costello and Fat Bottom Girls by Queen are wonderful songs. |
posted by efarina @ 4:45 AM |
Sunday, January 09, 2005 |
I decided to change skin again and I think I probably settled with this one. Thought the previous is a bit too simple. My eyes is a bit sore now so I'd better head to bed now. After all, it is nearly 7.30am already. I am 2 hours past my 'holiday' sleeping time. So, good night, guten nacht, oyasumi nasai and selamat malam! |
posted by efarina @ 7:18 AM |
Saturday, January 08, 2005 |
I feel pretty bored today so I figure I play with my Ixus for a while. Here're the results. It snowed pretty heavily the past couple of days. What you see in the photos are the better condition of the road after the snow has been cleared off it. 2-3 days ago, you cannot even see any other color except white.

Well, at least we don't have tsunami in Madison. ;) |
posted by efarina @ 4:59 PM |
Friday, January 07, 2005 |
Why is it that almost all the European movies that I watch end with someone dying? Take these movies for instances. By the way, they're all movies I recommended watching:
La Vita E Bella - father killed by a Nazi soldier
Irreversible - boyfriend dies horribly by his face being smashed
Monsieur Ibrahim - Ibrahim dies at his hometown after a car accident
Goodbye Lenin (my fave!) - mother dies due to illness
All About My Mother - son, friend dies due to accident and AIDS
Is liberation can only be gained through death? Is a rite of passage of an individual completed only when one dies? Are these the questions the moviemakers are trying to convey? Perhaps, I don't know for sure. But this I know: I want to see a happy ending. |
posted by efarina @ 10:47 PM |
Tuesday, January 04, 2005 |
My home in Malaysia is now fully renovated!! Here are some photos sent by my sister. Makes me feel a lil bit excited about going home this summer.
 Brand new living room!
 Loving it
 Bigger porch and a totally new front!
posted by efarina @ 5:56 AM |