Saturday, March 26, 2005 |
My birthday is exactly one month from today. And I want a Stella for my birthday! :P.
Nothing exciting happened during Spring break. Just the usual routine: sleep, eat, watch lotsa movies and dramas. Too bad it has to end. I am tired of school. |
posted by efarina @ 12:06 PM |
Monday, March 21, 2005 |

Had a teeny weeny fun playing in the snow last two nights after watching The Ring 2. It was the first day of Spring Break and it's snowing! Can't you believe it? The snowman look stupid, I know, but me and my friends were just having a fun so we didn't care. Hoping for warmer weather soon, then I can start wearing flip flop! |
posted by efarina @ 11:42 PM |
Thursday, March 17, 2005 |
Two more classes tomorrow, then it's Spring Break 2005! I am pretty much excited about it though I am not going anywhere nor doing anything special. Just glad that I have one week off classes, more time to watch my movies and longer time to sleep.
And since I have some stupid free time, I'd figure to do this image below. And macam biasa larr, it's rather "shabby" since I don't have sophisticated photoshop software.

Lately, I've become to hate more songs than I used to. I've just deleted ~400MP3s in my music folder. Dunno why, maybe I'm just sick of music already. But these artistes above have my forever devotion for them! From above right: 1. Butterfingers. Malaysian rock band yang paling best and hebat. 2. Eminem. A truly hip hop mastermind. New catch: Mockingbird. 3. Gwen Stefani. LoveAngelMusicBaby - kawaii! 4. B'z.The best Japanese "not-crazy-rock" band out there. Point of interest: Tak Matsumoto was Asian first Gibson Les Paul guitar signature artiste. 5. Coldplay 6. Linkin Park. They've gotta do more of that Linkin Park vs Jay-Z stuff coz it's grreaatt. 7. Muse 8. Silverchair. I wonder if this band ever gonna do a US tour. Perhaps my most favorite rock band of all listed. |
posted by efarina @ 4:47 PM |
Thursday, March 10, 2005 |
I received a letter from the International Studies & Programs yesterday congratulating me because I was accepted to participate in the International Academic Program at Athens, Greece for Summer 2005 for 3 weeks. I will be attending seminars, lectures and joining field trips to various historical sites to study the culture of Athens.
When I first handed in the application form, I just did it out of the blue. Partly perhaps because I was eager to go to Greece and study about the Greeks. I never thought that my application would be approved since priority are given to students studying Classics and Greek culture. A few weeks past by and I didn't heard anything from the IAP office so I am pretty certain I am not qualified to be in the program. So, I decided to just go ahead with my original plan and purchased a ticket to Malaysia. What a bummer now, isn't it?
There's a teeny weeny bit of regret in my heart because going to Greece has been my dream. The way Professor Powell put in class, Greece is one amazing country everyone has to visit. Now that I've bought the tickets and my flight date clashes with the Summer Program, there's nothing much I can do about it. But mostly I feel glad and happy for just knowing that at least I am lucky enough to be accepted into the program. Perhaps next time, I'll try again. And one day, I'll go to Greece. Definitely. |
posted by efarina @ 8:21 PM |
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 |

The sound of waves in summer season dies and the rain diminishes It's about time to go into a wheel of relationship in order to understand Far away in a distant I can completely see through a person's shadow Two people wrapped simply in a blanket, it will probably hurt It is not cold, isn't it? But after a long time, at the sea it will always rain "Whose fault it seems?", you'll smile
What kind of word to say stronger than this in order to embrace you Tear off the clouds so I can offer you lights between those waves Somewhere in the past it seems, world abroad, my pray followed Casual nonsense joke "You can't laugh, can you?", you'll smile Finally meeting my destiny, I include a gratitude in my heart What kind of emotion stronger than this burning to emphasize the importance
Crowd of seabirds in the breeze stop flapping their wings Where will they probably go? Tomorrow and in the future we'll flap our wings
What kind of word to introduce stronger than this in order to embrace you Finally meeting your destiny, you include a gratitude in your heart What kind of emotion stronger than this burning to emphasize forever Forever precious one, and ever gracious time You're not the only lonely one
Took a long long time to complete this. How izzit? Make sense? |
posted by efarina @ 3:49 AM |
Thursday, March 03, 2005 |
This week, I have been lazy tahap dewa. All I've been doing is sleep and watch TV. In addition, I haven't touched my Chino for months! I guess I have reach the stage where I've had enough of life like this and I just don't care about anything anymore. And yes, that includes studying. Honestly, I never see myself as a smart and bright student whom my sisters and brother can emulate and I don't definitely deserve the praises or that proud feelings my mom and my dad have for me for being the only daughter who did remarkably well in her academics. Most of the time, it almost feel like I'm cheating on them. I don't know how the heck I got straight As for all my exams in primary and high school (but I do have this notion that the examination board pulled down the curve so low that I who never score pass 70 in Biology managed to get an A2 in SPM). I don't know how the heck I passed my scholarship interview and did just okay in SAT and my essay entrance exam that I ended up here in UW-Madison. If I were to measure my IQ, it will never reach beyond extreme. Short to say, I am just a mediocre girl who happened to be lucky. But college life is harsh because this is when lucky just won't work. Therefore, as for a mediocre girl like me, my stupidity becomes more obvious as the semester goes by. What's worse is that other people think that I am bright when in reality I am just a shadow of my ownself. This is my limit. This is how much I can do. So, stop thinking of me so highly. For I am just an ORDINARY. |
posted by efarina @ 2:08 AM |