Thursday, October 27, 2005 |

Kamikaze Girls. This movie is cho saikou! So great and wittingly enjoyable. IT has got to be the most entertaining Japanese movie that I've watched. Thanks to dear Farule for recommending it to me. I will definitely check Nana out. Have watched the trailer and it seems interesting. Read at what one reviewer has to say about Kamikaze Girls:
"KAMIKAZE GIRLS is a good reminder of why movies are such joy when everything comes together in an imaginative way. KAMIKAZE GIRLS accomplishes this, not because it is different or bizarre, which it is, but because it is a tale told with a fine eye for detail and fully developed characters. We come to know Momoko and Ichigo, how they live and what they dream. As each attempts to avoid conformity, they both ultimately come to realize that they have become what they most dread. They are not the individuals they prided themselves for being but members of different groups on the fringe that comfort their need to belong, but also imposes a different barrier. A barrier that calls to mind the eloquent phrase by Groucho Marx: 'I wouldn’t want to join a club that would want me as a member.' Momoko and Ichigo find what is missing in their lives, a friend and confidante."
"If Kamikaze Girls had been made in the United States, it would have been just another boring film aimed at teenagers, perhaps starring Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff as the lonely teens who forge an unlikely friendship; by the end of the film they would have put aside their differences, learned how alike they really are, and formed a band, putting aside their quarrels for the sake of pop music. Fortunately for us, Kamikaze Girls is a Japanese film, not an American one, and instead of another boring teen flick we get to see a this colorful, quirky, fun little film about two lonely teens in rural Japan."
Ichigo is very pretty even behind those yankee clothes and Kyoko Fukada has definitely improved in her acting. So, for all movie lovers, you should not miss this flick. |
posted by efarina @ 11:02 AM |
Monday, October 24, 2005 |
The Internet connection at The Regent has been slow almost all of the time it's driving me insane! I have been downloading this two ~700MB files for almost a week already. I have another movie waiting to be completed, a size of 4GB and God knows when will I be able to watch it. Since I ran out of movies to watch this weekend, I rented 3 foreign movies from Video Heaven and finished them all in one night.
The first one was a Thai movie called Unhuman(does this word even exist?) about a group of students and police investigating about the connection of a meteor rain and horrible murders occured immediately after that. The theme is a blend of science fiction and supernatural powers. The movie could have been better if not for the poor acting, costumes and camera work. I finished watching it for the sake that I've paid 4 bucks for rental.
The second movie was the popular Jiang Hu, starring Hong Kong megastars Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Shawn Yue and Edison Chen. I don't know why but somehow Shawn Yue looks extra hot in this movie. By the way, this is another triad movie above its par. It may not be as great as Infernal Affairs, and not as violent as Young & Dangerous, but an essence nevertheless. Someone is out to kill the triad king Andy Lau who has just become a father and his good friend Jacky swear to stay by his side and protect him. The ending is shocking and unexpected. Viewers will think that Shawn Yue and Edison Chen are the culprits sent to murder Andy. Way wrong! I love how the director folds the movie and everything comes to a logic by the end of the movie. I have always love Hong Kong triad movies; there is always something perplexing about their triad culture and thumbs up for this beautifully made movie.
The last movie that I watched was a Korean titled Volcano High. An MTV production if I am not mistaken. Volcano High is a special school for students with powers(kinda like X-Men). Even the teachers have powers. The story goes that the principal keeps a scroll/book and whoever finds it will become the most powerful man in the school. And so goes the battle between sports clubs to possess it, fighting each other using their special powers. Oh, the teachers fight with the students too. While the graphic effect can be applauded, I still cannot get the message behind this movie. The ending wasn't clean enough. One student won the battle only to reveal that the sacred roll doesn't exist, then what? And why the heck do teachers wanna fight too? What kind of school is this? I am just TOTALLY confused by the end of the movie.
At the moment, I am looking forward to watch: Stay, a horror movie starring Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. I love Ewan, he's one good actor and he did a terrific job in The Island. That movie is Da'Bomb. Also on my wishlist is Zorro 2, Derailed(Jennifer Aniston & Clive Owen), Pride and Prejudice, Enter the Pheonix, Seven Swords, A World Without Thieves, Kamikaze Girls and Twilight Samurai. Now, if only the Internet speed is faster.... |
posted by efarina @ 2:05 AM |
Friday, October 21, 2005 |
I'm a sucker for Asian dramas, I am well aware of that fact. Because right now, they're the only thing that makes me happy. I have been unhappy since when? 2 years ago, maybe. When I realized that the future I dreamt of is far from happening and when I realized that it is harder to both provide and get instant comfort from my closest friends since we are so far apart.
Freshman & sophomore year: I guess I was happy because they were a lot of things to discover at a foreign place such as Halloween, Homecoming, cute and weird Americans and complete freedom. I befriended Kelly and she introduced me to a lot of things and even made me birthday cookies eventhough we've only met for a couple of times. I made more friends. I love hanging out with all my big brothers, playing basketball, hanging out at their houses and going to Denny's after that for a late supper. It was so much fun because they're easygoing and there were always something to joke or 'biatch' about. Weekends were a blast back then. Now with them gone, everyone seems to be doing their own stuffs. Everyone has their own excuses that I-dunno-what and most of the people left aren't the type I'm compatible to hang out with anyway. I miss AR and Mudd the most. I barely talk to anyone anymore and I haven't been to Denny's in ages.
Multimedia University: Those short months at MMU has got to be the best time of my life. First time in college and there were so many things happening around that I have no time to sit and relax for even a minute. Dinner-out together with my other 3 lovely roomies. Making friends with the Malays, Chinese and Indians. Meetings with my groupmates and my committee members, although a headache most of the time, really made us closer to each other. Sports Day, English class, performing like sillies in the middle of Malacca town, liking Alfi, the 'building up our own country' activity, video conference with now Tun Mahathir, being doped by the 'Liar King', dealing with some gossips and who-like-who matters, getting and losing a good friend. I just love my life there because there's always drama around, it makes life though sometimes painful but ever more exciting.
Form 4 & 5: Need I even say much about this? I have 16FC, which makes school life in KUSESS bearable. We had fun, we had fights, we did silly things together, we studied together, we threw eggs at each other, we played hockey and basketball every evening and we did some bad things together. Some of the teachers hated us and some loved us. We were an icon back then. We were the closest of friends. And I was in love, so that made me much much happier.
If only I can travel back to these times, eh, wouldn't it be good? So until someone successfully build a time machine, I'll just enjoy my private time watching all the dramas that I have lined up. |
posted by efarina @ 1:56 PM |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 |
Ahh...finally, my return to this unattended blog for a little more than a week. I'm telling you people, my Statistics exam today is CHOOO SIAAUUU leyy. How am I supposed to answer all that questions in 50 minutes. Understanding one question itself took me about 5 minutes, and they were like.. 3 big questions with some sub-questions. Crazy exam! This is the first time I feel totally hopeless in statistics. And I have an oral interview to go through in an hour or so. Blurgh...I am in no such mood rite now. Or maybe I was just born stupid after all. This theory might hold true, given the evidence that my sisters and brother never really supremely excel in their studies unless they put extra effort in studying. So, maybe I was just double-whopper hardworking during school time that I was able to pass PMR & SPM with flying colors and to land my feet on a foreign university. Now that I have totally lost interest in studying, I see that I am no different from my siblings. We are simply the product of 'moderate-in-academic' genes after all. Each of us has a par of how much can we comprehend a subject, and I am feeling that I've reached that par. The only reason I am still here in US is because I have no other choice but to graduate. If I were able to quit college at this moment, I swear I would. What's the point of continuing anyway when I rarely study at all these days? All I did was finish homeworks if I know how to solve them and read the textbook a day before the exam. I even spend more hours on cooking than studying.
I want to go do whatever I enjoy doing and live happily with my family and friends. I'm tired of acting like 'oh-I-am-sooo-the-smart' sister and daughter. I want to work at a travel agency, be a tour guide or a travel commentator perhaps (like Bridget Jones) so that I can see the world. I want to open up a bowling-cum-karaoke center so I can entertain people and be entertained at the same time. I want to work in the entertainment industry so I can meet all the famous people. Anything, as long as it makes me happier. This 'thing', what other people called being a bright student, is not the occupation I am happy with. |
posted by efarina @ 1:21 PM |
Sunday, October 09, 2005 |
My favorite tunes lately are from Rain and Chayanne . Both singers have pretty many excellent songs to listen to. Experimenting with foreign songs surely bring much fun and surprise of how good some of abroad songs are. Have been hearing to the same flavor of American music since my nappy days that it is fresh and delightful to taste some new recipes.
Last night Student Performance Showcase was fantastic. The theater was a bit boring coz I don't really understand Jewish issues but all others were entertaining. I particularly like the stand-up comedies from WiSAC and acapellas from Redefined but the best award goes to performance from the String Quartet. What makes this quartet special is that they don't play those classic songs we always hear in orchestra but they put out the touch of violins and cello from fresh music from video games and movies. Yesterday, they played "Mario Brothers" from Nintendo and "Bohemian Rapsody" from Queen. Awesome, isn't it?! |
posted by efarina @ 3:50 PM |
Saturday, October 08, 2005 |
I have changed my photo database to Fotopages since the space is bigger. All my Europe, Bali, Hawa's wedding and Raya pictures are posted there and they are extensive, containing more photos that I've posted on this blog and at Snapfish. To view, just click on the fotopages link at the column beside. Enjoy! I'll continue blogging later. Just gotta run and attend a function for the time being. |
posted by efarina @ 6:43 PM |
Monday, October 03, 2005 |
OK people, ready for some pictures flooding. These were taken on yesterday's beautiful bright Sunday noon for the annual pre-raya photos. One of them will be send to the local Malaysian newspaper, so I'm a bit excited since I didn't send any last year. My heels were killing me but the shots are pretty! Click on the picture for larger view. Here goes:

And wishing Happy Ramadhan to all. |
posted by efarina @ 12:45 AM |
Saturday, October 01, 2005 |
Alrite, from today onwards, I am officially adopting the name Megumi since I lurve that name so much. No more Jazzy. That name is a history, and I wish to have nothing to do with Jazzy anymore. Of course, friends yang dah biasa calling me Efa or Frack can stick on with those nicknames. I just like Megumi better ;).
I will be having 2 midterms, 2 quizzes, one skit and a Stats homework due next week. Pretty hectic but as usual'lah', I'm always behind schedule and will definitely do bad in my first midterms. Just hoping for the best that I can do!
Oh, you should watch Supernatural. It's a pretty damn good series. Maybe not as good as X-Files, but definitely worth a watch. Switch off your lights for a better feel. Ep.1 is surprisingly scary. |
posted by efarina @ 8:36 PM |